Lok Kawi Wildlife Park (洛高宜野生動物園)
Explore the Wonders of Sabah Malaysia
It is located along the Penampang-Papar old road approximately 25km from Kota Kinabalu and is fully developed by the Sabah Wildlife Department. The park consists of two components: zoological and botanical. The main objective of the park is to become a family-oriented park and the emphasis is put on the Children’s Zoo. Among the inhabitants of the zoo (zoological component) are the Borneo Pygmy elephants – the Borneo elephant is smaller than all the other subspecies of the Asian elephant. The Borneo elephant is also remarkably tame and passive, another reason some scientists think it was descended from a domestic collection., Sumatran rhinoceros – it is the smallest rhinoceros once ranged throughout rainforest, swamps and cloud forest which they are now critically endangered, with only six substantial populations in the wild. Orangutans – the most arboreal of the great apes, spending nearly all of their time in the trees. Although orangutans are generally passive, aggression toward other orangutans is very common; they are solitary animals and can be fiercely territorial. Proboscis monkey – a distinctive trait of this monkey is the male’s large protruding nose, from which it takes its name. Besides attracting mates, the nose serves as a resonating chamber, amplifying their warning calls. Malayan tiger – the Malayan Tiger can grow up to 2.84m long and 1.37m high, and the weight between 150-195kg , and various more wildlife species that can be found in Borneo.